Chinese Music and Musical Instruments

Date limite d'inscription: 
mar 31 jan 2023


24th International CHIME Conference

6th Lisbon conference: Chinese Music and Musical Instruments 

Lisbon/Mafra, Portugal 9–13 May 2023: Call for Papers

Lisbon has been a warm and welcoming place for scholars of Chinese music ever since CCCM, the Macao Scientific and Cultural Centre in Lisbon, started its formidable series of meetings on Chinese Music and Musical Instruments in 2016. This is already the sixth annual edition of that series, as well as the second time that Lisbon hosts an international CHIME conference. The event will take place under the patronage of Fundação Jorge Álvares, with additional support from the Municipality of Mafra, who will host the final two days of our conference at the National Palace of Mafra. The first three days will be held at CCCM.

Organizing institutions
The Macao Scientific and Cultural Centre in Lisbon
The European Foundation for Chinese Music Research (CHIME)
The Municipality of Mafra
The Institute of Ethnomusicology of the New University of Lisbon
The Confucius Institutes of the Universities of Aveiro
The Confucius Institutes of the Universities of Minho

Apart from the overall theme of Chinese musical instruments, we identify the following sub-themes:

►Music and musical instruments of indigenous groups in China

►Chinese musical instruments in Western collections

►Chinese musical instruments in Western iconography

As in every CHIME meeting, CHIME also provides some room for presentations on ongoing research in Chinese music. We look forward to an exciting programme, including some fine new music documentaries, recitals of yangqin and liuqin and other instruments, and a live performance of shadow theatre.

Programme Committee
The Programme Committee for the Lisbon conference will consist of Frank Kouwenhoven (CHIME, The Netherlands), François Picard (Emeritus Professor of Université Paris-Sorbonne), Helen Rees (Department of Ethnomusicology, Herb Alpert School of Music, UCLA, Los Angeles) and Enio de Souza (Instituto de Etnomusicologia, Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança/FCSH/Universidade Nova de Lisboa).

CHIME invites students, scholars and artists in the realm of Chinese music to submit proposals for individual papers or panels, or posters. Speakers from the People’s Republic of China and from other parts of Asia are explicitly welcome to join us.


►For individual posters or for twenty-minute presentations on the conference theme, please submit an abstract of around 300 words

►For panel sessions, which should not exceed 120 minutes, please submit an abstract of around 300 words detailing the focus of the panel as a whole, plus abstracts of 100–200 words for each contribution.

►Please add a short personal bio (of 100-200 words) to your abstract.

The conference and presentations will primarily be held in English.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 7 February 2023. Notification of acceptance or rejection will take place by 15 February 2023. Submitters who depend on early acceptance for grant or visa applications may contact us to request earlier decisions.

All abstracts and all enquiries should be directed to the Programme Committee of the 24th Chime meeting, c/o Frank Kouwenhoven, email: <>. For more on the conference, you can also check <>, where we will publish regular updates.

CHIME – European Foundation for Chinese Music Research


Nous contacter

Institut de recherche en Musicologie (UMR 8223)
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Quai François Mauriac
75706 PARIS
Secrétariat : +33(0) 1 53 79 37 10
par courriel

Sorbonne Université
Centre Univ. Clignancourt
salle 524 (informatique), bureau 531 (direction)

2, rue Francis de Croisset 75018 PARIS
Tél : +33 1 53 09 56 00

Centre Sorbonne
Salle Pirro
1, rue Victor Cousin 75005 PARIS
Tél : +33 1 40 46 22 11

Maison de la recherche
Salle 312 et 313
28, rue Serpente 75006 PARIS
Tél : +33 1 53 10 57 00

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