Computer Music in the 21st Century – History and Practice

21世纪计算机音乐创作 -- 历史与实践
Ouvrage bilingue anglais/chinois (monographie)

Computer music refers to music produced or created using computers. With the rapid development of computer technology and innovation in the music creation field, computer music has moved from the studios of a few pioneer to the public and into the mainstream. It has developed from a seemingly aloof niche to today's unavoidable creative method in the music industry. Computer music is becoming an emerging category of music creation that is developing rapidly.

However, compared with the current situation of using computers in creation (or assisted creation), there are not many teaching materials on computer music creation in China, are outdated or do not explain it thoroughly.

Marc Battier, the author of "Computer Music Creation in the 21st Century: History and Practice", is a French electronic music composer. He is one of the earliest musicians active in the field of computer creation in Europe. It can be said that he witnessed the computer music development history. He is a co-founder of the International Computer Music Association and the Electroacoustic Music Research Network (EMS) , and the founder and director of the Electroacoustic Music Research Asia Network (EMSAN, IREMUS) .

Date de parution: 
Sun Ya-Tsen University Press, Guangzhou, Chine
nombre de pages: 


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