Michael Jackson: Voice upon a time

From Motown to Bruce Swedien, the expressive and technical outlines of a unique and timeless voice

This book is the english edition of the French one "Michael Jackson Il était une Voix" published in 2017 by Delatour France.

From Motown to Bruce Swedien’s (Michael Jackson’s regular and emblematic sound engineer) studio, the author helps us discover the voice of the artist. A voice that managed to cross boundaries, as the entire work of the King of Pop, trans-stylistic, transracial, transgenerational, transcultural and transdisciplinary. Between lyrical pen and technical analysis, the author highlights different aspects of this hard-working and seasoned artist who was also a genius and a messenger, whose leitmotiv was the respect of his talents and his public, and the wish to win and deserve an unconditionnal love. As secular icone, he tried to enlighten the collective consciouscness and to challenge us, singing to us with a voice that will continue to resonate globally for a very long time.

Foreword by Bruce Swedien

Date de parution: 
EAN 9782752104069
Delatour France
nombre de pages: 


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Institut de recherche en Musicologie (UMR 8223)
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
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Sorbonne Université
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Tél : +33 1 53 09 56 00

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