
Senzoku Gakuen College of Music (Oct.1, Kawasaki, Japan)
Tokyo Denki University (Oct.2, Tokyo, Japan)


The Japanese Society for Sonic Arts (JSSA) and the Electroacoustic Music Studies Asia Network (EMSAN-IReMus) are glad to announce the  Joint EMSAN/JSSA Day 2016 symposium.  After six editions during the Musicacoustica-Beijing festival with  the Electroacoustic Music Association of China (EMAC) and the Center of Electroacoustic Music of China (CEMC), it will be the 9th EMSAN symposium and the second time it is held in Japan. Last year, JSEM (Japan Society of Electronic Music), JSSA and EMSAN joined forces in Gifu (Japan). This year, it will be held during the JSSA Music Festival 2016.

Saturday October 1, Senzoku Gakuen College of Music 9:30-9:40  Opening comments by Mikako MIZUNO and Marc BATTIER

9:40-10:05 - Judith ROMERO-PORRAS [EN]: Murmullos de Páramo: rethinking Julio Estrada's opera through Zeami's Nô theater aesthetics

10:10-10:35 - KOJIMA Yuriko [EN]: Musical Analysis of Takemitsu’s “Water Music”: Micro-Pitch-Relations and Rhythmic Configurations of the Taped Sound

10:40-11:05 - LIU Yen-Ling Annie [EN]: Electroacoustic Music in China after 1980: Historiography, Canon, and Aesthetic Discourse

11:05-11:25  break  

11:25-11:50 - Marin ESCANDE [EN]: Nine Levels by Ze-Ami by Yuasa Jôji, Toward an environmental theater: An experiment on space

11:55-12:10 - LI Jia [EN]: The historical evolution and current situation of high density array speaker system and music creation

12:15-12:40 - LI Yu [CN]: The extensive and the comparative relationship between the solo instrument---Erhu and the orchestra in He Xuntian’s FOUR DREAMS  

12:40-14:00  lunch  

14:00-14:25 - DO Hana [EN]: The two collaborative projects between space and sound by two young Korean composers: Citygram and Nohka projects

14:30-14:55 - DENG Zhiyong and Aili LIU [EN]: Soundscape Composition: a Connection from the Electroacoustic to the Reality

15:00-15:25 - WANG Daiwei: Music analysis of an electronic music ‘Ehe Chant’: in a view of soundscape composition and musical acoustic

17:00 - concert of ACMP

Sunday October 2, Tokyo Denki University  

9:30-9:55 - PerMagnus LINDBORG [EN]: Pacific Bell Tower, a sculptural sound installation for live sonification of earthquake data

10:00-10:25 - GE Xinxin [EN]: Creation of Interactive Electronic Music under Interdisciplinary Perspective - Example of Dance and Interactive Electronic Music

10:30-10:55 - LUO Chao [EN]: Pitch Shape Algorithm Technology and Its Applications Based on Morphology

10:55-11:15  break

11:20-11:45 - MIYZAKI Hazuki, NAKATANI Masashi and MINAMIZAWA Kouta [JP]: The Production of “ASMR articulate ~emotional geometry~” an Acoustic Work Using ASMR-Triggering Sounds

11:50-12:15 - YASUNO Taroh: Zombie Music activity report

*There will be In the afternoon presentations at the JSSA meeting (research papers. These will mostly be in Japanese).


Équipes de recherche: 


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