Booknis 1.0

The Booknis dataset is a collection of manually annotated images featuring medieval singing representations for segmentation and object detection.
These images are derived from manuscripts that date back to the period between the 12th and 15th centuries and consist of various genres, including liturgical, secular, musical, scientific, and historical works.
The dataset includes five classes, namely books, altars, lecterns, sheets, and phylacteries, which serve as indicators of potential musical representation.
We have meticulously annotated 341 images and 1513 annotations, which have been verified by musicology experts.
The primary objective of Booknis is to advance research on transfer learning by providing a more challenging benchmark for few-shot object detection.


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Nous contacter

Institut de recherche en Musicologie (UMR 8223)
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Quai François Mauriac
75706 PARIS
Secrétariat : +33(0) 1 53 79 37 10
par courriel

Sorbonne Université
Centre Univ. Clignancourt
salle 524 (informatique), bureau 531 (direction)

2, rue Francis de Croisset 75018 PARIS
Tél : +33 1 53 09 56 00

Centre Sorbonne
Salle Pirro
1, rue Victor Cousin 75005 PARIS
Tél : +33 1 40 46 22 11

Maison de la recherche
Salle 312 et 313
28, rue Serpente 75006 PARIS
Tél : +33 1 53 10 57 00

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